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Getting an old fp-1000 back into action

Hello Gabby,

When I say "FieldPoint responds to COM1", I mean that I somehow get some kind of indication. For COM2 I would not get anything, not
even what I will mention below.

When I plug the cable nothing happens. POWER leds were lit and stay lit (green - in both FP-1000 and FP-AI-110) and FP-AI-110 is in
ready state (green). No indication in the other leds, when I plug the cable.

1) When I start monitoring through FP Explorer NETWORK led is blinking in orange color. POWER led is lit. No light for the others
[here is a video1, if you like]. Now, when I start the discovery (through Find Devices) to create new configuration: POWER led is lit
(green), NETWORK blinks once in a dim way (orange), and ACCESS blinks heavily once (orange) [video2]
2) I do not think anything is damaged regarding the sensors.
3) When I do what you proposed, I get "Unable to bind to comm port".

I do not know if that matters, but when I mention "green" it is something between yellow and green. And when I say orange, I mean

something between red and orange. Not good at judging ....

Also when I connect through HyperTerminal, NETWORK blinks in a dim way each time I press a key on the keyboard [video3].

I hope all that are not too confusing. Thanks.

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Message 11 of 12

Hello Dimitris,


Considering that the “Network” LED is flashing, it seems like the hardware may be damaged or there is inconsistent network activity occurring. Normal network activity is characterized by an LED that stays lit and gets brighter as network activity increases. The ACCESS LED flashing once indicates that the FieldPoint has received a correctly formatted command from the host computer. Considering that these LEDs are responding to these commands is a good sign, because it shows us that to some extent the FieldPoint is recognizing the commands and/or data that it is being sent. Since the “Network” LED is not exhibiting expected behavior however, there may be an issue with the network communication.


Considering that there could be issues with the network communication, I would recommend changing the network module’s baud rate. You will have to change the configuration of the switches on your module as specified on page 2-15 of the FieldPoint-1000 manual, and also change the baud rate of the data you are sending within HyperTerminal. Hopefully a slower network transition rate can improve the performance of the module.


Let me know the outcome of changing the baud rate of the commands sent.

National Instruments Applications Engineer
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Message 12 of 12