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cRIO Target Error -63195

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Just began playing with cRIO (and already running into problems!).  I have a cRIO-9004 controller with some IO modules.  I am basically following the instrcutions from the following manual:

When I run the VI, it starts to compile, and appears to compile successfully as well (because the Compile Server gives a status of 'Compile Completed'), however, immediately after this I get the "Target Specific Error Encountered" with error code -63195 as shown below:

Why would this be happening?  Any input will be appreciated.

Thank you and regards,


Message Edited by Khalid on 11-07-2006 10:06 PM

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 14
Hey Khalid,
    It seems that your NI-RIO driver version may not match up between your host computer and your RIO controller.  Try reinstalling the software onto the RIO controller and see if that fixes your issue.  Here is a KnowledgeBase article talking about this issue.
Brian B
Account Manager
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14

I did reinstall the RIO Framework on my cRIO.  The software versions match that of my host.  But still have the same issue. 

The error message talks about an invalid comm handle, and not a version mismatch which the KB article describes. 

Any other ideas?  I am using all the latest versions (i.e., 8.2) for LabVIEW, RT, FPGA, RIO, etc.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14
Hey Khalid,
    That error points to some driver on the cRIO controller.  It's a very useless error message, except that it says it is from "some driver."  I suggest checking all drivers downloaded to the controller (NI-RIO, VISA, etc.) and make sure they match versions with what you are using for development on your host PC.  Perhaps uninstall/reinstall the drivers onto the controller.  This will guarantee that the versions match between host and target.  Also, create a simple program to run on the RIO, and see if that will work.  These steps will help us narrow down the source of the issue.

Brian B
Account Manager
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14
I did format and reinstall the RIO Framework on my cRIO.  The software versions match that of my host.  But still have the same issue.  Also tried running a shipping example -- same error though  Smiley Sad
Any other ideas?
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 14
Try repairing the installation for the NI-RIO driver and the FPGA module. It seems that for some reason LabVIEW in not being able to download the compiled bitstream onto the FPGA.
Chetan K
Application Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 14
Actually the compiler is able to successfully transfer the file, as per its status message.  But get this error right after it does that.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

I am facing the same problem on my system. I have the following:
PXI RT Controller 8196, PXI 7833 R connected to a few cRIO modules. Things were working perfectly until we had to modify the FPGA VI. Upon Compilation, it started giving me this error. I have already tried the following:
  • Repaired RIO (No luck) Smiley Sad
  • Repaired FPGA (no luck) Smiley Sad
  • Repaired LV RT (no luck) Smiley Sad
  • ReFORMATTED PXI Controller and reinstalled all software (No luck) Smiley Mad
  • Ensured that VISA is able to access the PXI 7833R by going into MAX and checking whether I can read/SET vaues. (That works)
  • In the process it cannot now load the NI-DMM DLL's. (Disabled DMM code) but still no luck.
I also get this error
−1073807346 The given session or object reference is invalid.
when I go into the project explorer and right click on the FPGA device and click reset

Please someone assist on this.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 14
Accepted by topic author Khalid
I should have updated the resolution here:  Apparently, if we have the "Autolmatically close VISA sessions" LabVIEW environment setting enabled, we get this error.  Disabling this solved my problem.  I no longer get the -63195. 
I am hoping NI will either fix this, or document this somewhere.
Message 9 of 14
Thanks alot for the tip. The problem got resolved by unchecking the option. The sad thing is this option is atleast available in two locations and we need to ensure that this is done in the RT options and then the labview options.
Thanks again.

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Message 10 of 14