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Supporto tecnico a Milano e dintorni per revamping vecchia app?

Buongiorno a tutti.

Vent'anni fa ho realizzato un paio di applicazioni con Labview (v7 o v8 credo)che vanno ancora oggi. Ora dovrei fare un revamping di quella più complessa che è una regolazione automatica della portata di alimentazione di mulini per la macinazione di quarzo per la quale avevo utilizzato anche il modulo aggiuntivo "Fuzzy logic".

Qualcuno sa se questa funzionalità è ancora disponibile oggi, o trami te un modulo aggiuntivo o direttamente built in in Labview?

Avrei chiesto direttamente a NI ma mi par di capire che a Milano (o Trezzano, o dove fosse) non ci sia più nessuno: è così?

Nel qual caso a chi potrei chiedere informazioni non esclusivamente commerciali?




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Messaggio 1 di 7

Hello there,


I think the answer to your question is in this article:

Archived: LabVIEW PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit Installation and Activation - NI


In LabVIEW 2014 and later, the PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit is included natively within LabVIEW Full and Professional Development Systems and does not require a separate license, installation, or activation. This is also true for LabWindows/CVI 2014 and later.

Note: LabVIEW Base Development System does not include the PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit.


In LabVIEW, the PID VIs and Fuzzy Logic VIs can be found in the Controls and Simulation category of the Functions Palette.


Let me know if you need anything else.

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Messaggio 2 di 7

Thank you popokhakan,


that clears my doubts about licensing.


But now I would like to know if there still is any NI structure in Milan or around, because I would need to check, possibly with a NI Labview expert, if with the current Labview Pro alone I could port my old but still working VIs.


They were exchanging a few data through a third party (WAGO) OPC server:

- analogue signals with a few weighting instruments  through a RS485 hooked to a serial module of a WAGO PLC;

- on/off signals with an OMRON PLC through a RS485 hooked to another serial module of the same WAGO PLC.


Now we want to get rid of all the routing between different devices and move everything on ethernet and we would like to be able to directly exchange data between the VIs, the OMRON PLC (now with an ethernet card), the new weighting instruments (ethernet), another WAGO TCP/IP PLC and an instance of a scada on the same PC where the VIs runs.

I also would like to know if we can port the actual scada (Movicon) functions into an in built monitoring system developed into or with Labview itself, to eliminate another data exchange between two different software devices.


Since then I hadn't the opportunity to develop anything else with Labview so to feel safe in granting the client that I can do the port smoothly I need a supervision from a Labview expert.


I have attached a lay out of  the installation as it is today.

Imagine every device: QGTW, QBIL, QIMP2, QIMP3, QP23 and PCSUP,( where the VIs runs) hooked directly to an ethernet switch and communicating right through that directly with the VIs modules.


Thank you.


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Messaggio 3 di 7

Ciao Fabio, la società Measure IT di Padova si propone come interlocutore privilegiato per i clienti italiani. So per certo che alcuni ex-dipendenti NI ora lavorano per Measure IT. Magari vale la pena di fare un tentativo, personalmente non ho un'esperienza diretta dell'eventuale supporto che possono dare.

LV 7.1, 2011, 2017, 2019, 2021
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Messaggio 4 di 7

Ciao Paolo,

ti ringrazio per la segnalazione.


Mi sorprende un po' che un'azienda che si propone come "distributore ufficiale NI in Italia" non tenga d'occhio quotidianamente questo forum...


Gli ho appena inviato una mail. Vediamo cosa risponderanno.






Tu usi abitualmente Labview?

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Messaggio 5 di 7

Dear Fabio,


Milan branch of NI no longer provides technical support to the customers. However, NI provides technical support to the EMEA customers, which includes Italy.

I suggest you contact the NI support, and they will route you to the specialists that can answer your questions regarding the communication with a LabVIEW expert.

NI TSE Team has Ethernet experts as well if you need support in that area.

You can request support from an engineer and submit a service request with this link:


Service Request Manager - NI


Let me know if you need anything else.

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Messaggio 6 di 7

@fabiospark  ha scritto:



Tu usi abitualmente Labview?

Attualmente il 95% almeno del software sviluppato da noi è in LabVIEW.

LV 7.1, 2011, 2017, 2019, 2021
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Messaggio 7 di 7