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Timestamp value on hover

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I'm building a graph which consists in having amplitude in Y while Timestamp on X
I'm using a cluster which reciever data from 2 arrays(amplitude  history and timestamp history)
However, when hovering in the graph, the timestamp value converts to a non timestamp value as you can see in the image below.
I wonder if i can see the timestamp hovering the data point..Therefore, i know the exact time the value was aquired.









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Message 1 of 5

Hi, i found the library PlotHoverTooltip, and i'm trying to use it, however i've come across an error.

Since my code is a little different, and the graph is displayed by a cluster i dont know if it impacts on the error.


The example attached with the library worked fine, but when i use it in my project i get the follow error:





JavaScriptInvoke in Library::Support::PlotHoverFormat.jsli::Plot Hover Format X AbsTime->Library::XAbsTime GraphTooltip.gvi->WebApp::Páginas::Function.gviweb<APPEND>
An exception occurred within the external JavaScript function called by a JavaScript Library Interface node. Verify your JavaScript code is valid.
function: PlotHoverFormat.XAbsTime, Additional information:
Message: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined
Stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined
at Object.XAbsTime (http://localhost:54907/HtmlVI/Run/VireoDevSystem/Interactive/Library/Support/script.js:9:74)
at e.javaScriptInvoke.jsJavaScriptInvoke (http://localhost:54907/HtmlVI/Run/VireoDevSystem/Interactive/WebApp/ni-webvi-resource-v0/VireoImport...)
at u (http://localhost:54907/HtmlVI/Run/VireoDevSystem/Interactive/WebApp/ni-webvi-resource-v0/VireoImport...)
at wasm-function[1302]:175
at wasm-function[982]:124
at Object.D.e.eggShell.executeSlicesUntilWait.t.eggShell.executeSlicesUntilWait (http://localhost:54907/HtmlVI/Run/VireoDevSystem/Interactive/WebApp/ni-webvi-resource-v0/VireoImport...)
at zo.executeVireoRuntime (http://localhost:54907/HtmlVI/Run/VireoDevSystem/Interactive/WebApp/ni-webvi-resource-v0/IdeRun.min....)
at e.vireo.eggShell.setExecuteSlicesWakeUpCallback (http://localhost:54907/HtmlVI/Run/VireoDevSystem/Interactive/WebApp/ni-webvi-resource-v0/IdeRun.min....)
at http://localhost:54907/HtmlVI/Run/VireoDevSystem/Interactive/WebApp/ni-webvi-resource-v0/VireoImport...

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5
Accepted by topic author Labmecepel

@Labmecepel wrote:

The example attached with the library worked fine, but when i use it in my project i get the follow error:


function: PlotHoverFormat.XAbsTime, Additional information:
Message: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined
Stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined

Have you define your Graph Control HTML Class Attribute?

And you need to make sure that your Graph has a plot on it. that for, wire the error cluster.


Screenshot 2024-02-27 204238.pngScreenshot 2024-02-27 204340.png




















And you don't need to double write to your graph value.




Message 3 of 5

It worked, thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

@Labmecepel wrote:

It worked, thank you!

Glad to hear that. You're always welcome🙏


Just to let others whom looking for the example source:  Solved: Graph Hover Format for Time Axis. - NI Community  



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Message 5 of 5