Hidden Gems in vi.lib

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Documentation bugs in Hidden Gems, LV 2016

I was exploring the Hidden Gems included with LabVIEW 2016, and found (at least) a bug in the Context Help.  I'll scour the rest of them and see if I can find more, but what I found was that "Get File Type Icon Image" has (a duplicate of) the Help for Is File VI, clearly a bug.

VariantFlattenExp has no Help Text.

LV Config Read and LV Config Write do not "pop up" their Help files when moused over on the Hidden Gems Palette.  Other VIs in that sub-Palette do.

No Context Help for Open References to All Libraries ... and Close References to All Libraries ... .

Typo in Enable or Gray Control Reference Help text ("Disabed ...").  No help for Get Owning Structure of Terminal.

VIAnUtil Characterize Wire Help Text typo ("if any od the wire ...").  Many (most?) of the VIs here have no Help Text.

Tree Sorter has no Help Text.

All Dynamic Position VIs are missing Help Text.

High Resolution Relative Seconds seems to have spurious <\n> in second sentence of Help Text (blank line appears in second sentence between "elapsed" and "time").

Refresh Menus has no Help Text and no VI Icon (shame on you!).

Progress Bar "folder" has no Help Text.

Shortcut Menu Plug-In Support "folder" has no Help Text.

Note -- while technically this is not a "Question", I'm marking it as such following the suggestions given at the top.

Bob "Eagle-Eye" Schor

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