Hello, I've been trying to get continous capture working on my 5105 at 5MS/s for days now. While I can sample at lower rates with minimum "error" (I sample a sin wave and compare it to a perfect wave generated in software), sampling a 1Mhz sin at 5MS/s doesn't work well at all. In particular, sampling the sin should yield the same values across sin wave periods, since 5M is a multiple of 1M, but I'm essentially missing by a small "phase" each time, so that comparing the 1Mhz sin to one generated in software (that is, just taking the difference of the two) yields, over long time periods, a triangle-wave looking. Perhaps the function generator generating the 1Mhz sin I'm capturing is off, but I doubt it, since it claims to support up to 80Mhz. My VI is based on the EX Fetch Forever example. One thing I don't understand is the difference between Min Record Length and Max Points Per Fetch. How should I be choosing these parameters if I want to fetch optimally at 5MS/s and higher?