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AWG and DSO PCI adapters

I am looking for 2 kinds of PCI adapters:
(a) Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) PCI adapter that can be used with Matlab to convert a bit stream into a HomePlug AV powerline signal
(b) Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) PCI adapter that can be used to capture HomePlug AV powerline signal and convert it into a bit stream using Matlab.
The HomePlug AV powerline signal uses OFDM with a 75 MHz sampling rate, with carriers ranging in frequency from 1.8 to 30 MHz. Matlab compatibility is required.
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I believe that something such as the NI-5421(AWG) and NI-5122(Scope) should work for you application, I understand your application as you are generating a range from 1.8-30 MHz and would like this sampled at 75MS/s thus the reasoning for the NI-5421 is the high resolution sample clock, and the NI-5122 is that its sample rate is sufficient if I understand your requirements correctly. These two cards are not the only options but I believe that if you have performed the modulation in software and simply want to output a bit stream, read this waveform back and demodulate again in software then these two devices should be sufficient.  One specification that you did not mention is the voltage levels you will be working with, these two devices are not capable of high voltages, you will need to bring the voltages down to within the operating range of the device that you choose to work with, for example the NI-5122’s voltage range is -10V..10V. I hope this clears things up please let me know if anything is unclear.

Signal Sources Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
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