High-Speed Digitizers

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AnaIogue waveform to I-Q Data for Modulation Library functions

Does anyone know a method to convert a analogue waveform to a I-Q waveform format, so it can be used with NI modulation library.
We are doing to modem tests and we are using a sampling DMM to capture FSK (V.23 modem, 1200bps, 1300Hz/2100Hz), and I want to use the modulation library VI to do the hard work of demodulation.
Any ideas?
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Before I make any recommendation, I would like to know at what rate is your DMM sampling at? Also, have a look at the MT Convert IF to IQ.vi which is in the 5620 Specific palette of the Modulation Toolkit.
Adnan Zafar
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Coleman Technologies
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