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Error while exporting the clock to CLK OUT of 5922

I am using a PXI-5922 for my application. I need to export the internal clock to the CLK OUT pin in the front pannel of the board. I tried almost all the possible VIs and properties in NIScope functions. Everywhere it gives an error saying "Your device does not support this routing" though in 5922 manuals reads as its possible.
Please suggest any solution.
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Message 1 of 4
 Hi Vsh,

 I'm sorry but the 5922 does not support exporting the internal sample clock to the CLK OUT connector.

 The manual [1]  has a routing diagram which shows what signals can be routed to the connector, I've placed it here
for reference as Figure 1 below.
Fig 1. Clock Routing Diagram

You can route the CLK IN external connector to the CLK OUT external connector, as the diagram shows.
Figure 2 shows how to do this, these are all niSCOPE palette vi's.

Fig. 2 CLK IN to CLK OUT

And finally, here is what will throw an error with the NI 5922, as seen in Figure 3 below.
 Fig 3. Error 89136
What options do you have?
 #1. Assuming this is to synchronize the digitizer with something else, then use a external
       device's sample clock.
 #2. Route the PXI CLK to the CLK Out terminal and use this for sample clock source/synchronization


[1] NI High Speed Digitizers Help

Message Edited by Matthew W on 09-05-2007 09:39 AM

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Message 2 of 4
 Option #3 : use the Product Feedback, suggestions placed there are read and possibly acted on.

 Hope these suggestions help!

Have a great morning,

Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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Message 3 of 4

Dear Matthew,

Thanks for ur reply. I found it out in the refference help. Problem was I was looking into the PCI-5922 diagram which lead to the confusion.

Now I am using the PXI CLK to export the Clock through Clk Out.

Anyway Thank you very much for the support.


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Message 4 of 4