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Failed to load niScope_32.dll

I had labview 2012 32bit installed on my PC(win-7) with all required (daq, scope & all other) drivers, and it was working fine. Suddenly labview was not able to load "niScope_32.dll" while loading my VI. I tried to repair it with same version of scope drivers(3.9.4) but problem didn't solved. I tried to locate niScope_32.dll i found it in C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\RT Images\NI-Scope, when i browse & gave this location while loding VI labview gave error saying nipalp.dll was not found.

So I removed full labview and tried with clean installation (from NI CD) but same problem.

Then again I removed entire labview with all ni device drivers and installed labview 2013(downloaded from NI website)  and scope 4.0.5 drivers still problem persists. Even in NI-Max explorer it is showing NI-scope but I am not able to launch scope soft front panel, error "scope front panel could not launch because an error occured while trying to open application reference". Now I don't see any NI-Scope folder (or sub-folder) inside  "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments" even after installing scope 4.0.5 !!!
I upgraded scope driver to scope 4.1, now a loading screen appers as attached pic & soft panel fails to load...
 any solution???
Malay Shah

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Message 1 of 10

You mention that "suddenly" it stopped working.  Can you think of anything that changed on your system between when it worked and stopped?  System update, NI Driver update, installation, etc.  Please post the MAX report here as well.


When you uninstalled NI-SCOPE, did you also uninstall DAQmx and NI-SCOPE runtime?  In what order did you make changes?  Normally, LabVIEW must be installed first, and then the NI-SCOPE driver.   

Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Here are some other things you can try:


1. Try to run an example (NI-SCOPE example found in the example finder.  Configured Acquisition.vi is a good one.) in LabVIEW and see if it works.  This should give us a baseline.


2. Regardless of whether it works or not, uninstall the NI-SCOPE Run-Time from the National Instruments Software Add/Remove entry in "Add/Remove Program" from the control panel.  This should prompt you that you have to also remove the driver as well.  Reboot and then install 4.1, then reboot again.



3. Try running the same example again to verify if it works/still doesn't work


Other information that would be helpful to us:

-What is the file size of the NI-SCOPE Soft Front Panel.exe located in C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Drivers\niScope and what files are located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Drivers\niScope\data directory.  There should be three of them.


Let me know how this goes.

Systems Engineer
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Message 3 of 10

Can you think of anything that changed on your system between when it worked and stopped?  System update, NI Driver update, installation, etc.

No there was no system update, or ni update... But all I can think of is I had installed "prolific USB to serial" & "WinAVR" software , I uninstalled "prolific" one after error in labview ..

After error, when I connected to net ni labview & scope patch got resumed- downloading & updated in my system 

 Please post the MAX report here as well. Done attached


When you uninstalled NI-SCOPE, did you also uninstall DAQmx and NI-SCOPE runtime?  In what order did you make changes?  Normally, LabVIEW must be installed first, and then the NI-SCOPE driver.   

for 1st time i just repaired scope from windows control panel uninstall & change option, then I uninstalled scope & SCOPE runtime Reinstalled.
After that I uninstalled all NI products from the National Instruments Software Add/Remove entry in "Add/Remove Program" from the winows control panel .  Reinstalled Labview 2012 followed by all device drivers & scope from CD. Still same problem. 
Again I uninstalled all NI products (same way) then cleared all registary with help of ccleaner registary cleaner. Then I installed labview 2013(downloaded from ni-web but i am sure about it coz we had used same for other PC's & its working fine) followed by daq 9.4, scope 4.0.5 driver. 

Malay Shah

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Message 4 of 10

uninstall the NI-SCOPE Run-Time from the National Instruments Software Add/Remove entry in "Add/Remove Program" from the control panel.  This should prompt you that you have to also remove the driver as well.  Reboot and then install 4.1, then reboot again. 


I had started uninstallation before your reply. but had tried to run some other scope example & it was not working.

even after installation of scope 4.1 i am getting same error while running Configured Acquisition example from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2013\examples\instr\niScope" screen shoot attached.


file size of the NI-SCOPE Soft Front Panel.exe located in C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Drivers\niScope  14297KB

what files are located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Drivers\niScope\data directory.  There should be three of them. 


scope_32 error1.png

Date looks old shouldn't it be today's??


Malay Shah

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Message 5 of 10

The dates in the screenshot are correct, they are the dates when the DLL files were packaged into the installer, not when they were installed onto your system.


Also, it looks like the MAX report you sent is old, of your system before you upgraded to niScope 4.1.  Can you send an updated one?


Is the DLL file located in C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin or C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin?


The following paths are valid for your LabVIEW 20XX version.


Can you verify that the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20XX\instr.lib\niModInst" exists?  This is the location of the VI's that the Soft Front Panel are having trouble finding, which might be true if the following are missing:


Check if the files niModInst.* appear in the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20XX\resource\objmgr

Same for sessionReference.*


Its beginning to sound like your installer is corrupt, or the system is in a strange state preventing the installer from installing all the driver files correctly.  



Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

 MAX report after upgrad to niScope 4.1 is attached.


Yah, niScope_32.dll is there at "C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Bin"


yes, "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20XX\instr.lib\niModInst" exists


both niModInst.* and sessionReference.* (4 files with extn. .ctrl .rc .rch .ver)  exists at C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20XX\resource\objmgr


by "installer is corrupt" which one do you mean?

and about " the system is in a strange state preventing the installer from installing all the driver files correctly. " how can i find that out? because my PC is working fine with all other thing. 



Malay Shah

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Message 7 of 10

The last thing I can think of to try is to ensure that the DLL's path are included in the "Path" system variables under "Enviroment Variables" system Properties.


I hope this helps.


Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

WinAVR may under some circumstances delete your "Path" system variable during installation.


I'm guessing the solution posted by Nathan-P worked?



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10



It's too old thread,

since i was not able to find any solution at that time ( before nathan's reply),  i had made last choice of formatting my PC and re installing windows - labview.

I didnt tried solution posted by Nathan-P.



Malay Shah

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Message 10 of 10