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Fatal Error!! Required NIPathsDir property NIDIR is undefined.

I receive this message while trying to install the signal express sw.  When I get this message the installation is aborted.  My scope is also not recognized by my pc device manager.   I do not have labview installed on my pc, do I need it?
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Message 1 of 3
I apologize that you are having trouble installing SignalExpress. Is this with the SignalExpress 2.0 installation CD?  If so, can you run the installer using the following in a command prompt :
<PATH TO CD>\setup.exe /log c:\temp\SEinstallerlog.txt
This will create a logfile from the installer in your "C:\temp\" folder with the name "SEinstallerlog.txt".   Send that installer log to me at eric.reffett@ni.com.  I'll look at it to see what happened and get back to you with a way to correct it.  This error should never be displayed in a released software product and I would like the logfile so I can see why it happened and correct it.
Thank you,
Eric Reffett
Eric Reffett | Director, Product Management | 1.512.683.8165 | ni.com
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Message 2 of 3

I do not know if it helps, but I have come across the same error message, when I tried to install v8 on a stand alone machine. I have followed the procedure recommended for you, and then checked the file generated by the setup program, and it shows that, it apparently tried to access the network. So when I have plugged the network connection back, the installation went through without any problems.

On the net I have found other solutions, which say that, the letter of your CD might changed - it  seems the problem is that, if you want to upgrade from a different drive (or without network), the setup program complains. If you do not know from where the original software was installed, then you have to check it in the Registry, or do the test as I did and read through the file.


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Message 3 of 3