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Number of record in NI scope

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I am configuring Scope for multiple record acquisition, number of records set to 50 for 8 channels of 50000 samples. I want to know after 50 triggers received by scope will it stops acquisition or it will start overwriting the  records from 0.


I am asking this question because while fetching waveforms I am getting more than 100 records data and scope acquisition is not stopping after 50 triggers, it is waiting for next trigger I am stopping it manually.

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Somu26

Hi Somu26,

Which digitizer/oscilloscope are you using?


"I want to know after 50 triggers received by scope will it stops acquisition or it will start overwriting the  records from 0."


The short answer is that the acquisition stops.  


The NI-SCOPE driver behavior is defined and described by the following Acquisition Envine State Diagram chart.  This documentation can be found in the help file  under Devices >> State Diagrams.  This is also documented online here: http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/370592W-01/digitizers/5122_state_model/



In general, an acquisition completes when all the configured samples have been acquired.  By default, there is only one record, so when all the samples in the record is acquired, the acquisition transistions to the "Record Complete" state, and then to the "Done" state.  In a multi-record acquisition setup, the device will continue to acquire data until all the records have been acquired.  Once there are no more records to acqure (it acquired all 50), it will then transiition into the "Done" state.  


Note that the green states are the only states in which data is written to the onboard memory, so when an acquisition is complete, no further data is written to the onboard memory, thus no chance for data to be overwritten.  


I hope this helps answer your question.  I highly reccomend you and all digitizer/oscilloscope customer study this state chart, as most questions regarding the behavior of the device (acquisition, triggering, timouts, etc.) can be answered in it.  



Nathan P.

Systems Engineer
Message 2 of 3

Thank you Nathan,


Problem solved, I found the bug in my code.

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Message 3 of 3