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PCI/PXI-5102/5112 don't show up in list of drivers for Win7 x64

So I got a PCI-5102 to replace a USB-5132 (for reasons in this thread)...but now my computer says there's no drivers for it. It recognizes it as a "PCI device" in the hardware manager, but when I go to "update driver/manual install/select from available drivers/National Instruments Digitizers", I don't see PCI or PXI versions of either the 5102 or the 5112 in the list. I see 5105 and 5114, and presumably everything 52xx and higher.


I've tried uninstalling NI-SCOPE, DAQmx, and VISA, then reinstalling NI-SCOPE 3.6, but still no 5102 in the list. Anyone else w/ a functioning 5102 or 5112 w/ Win 7 Ultimate x64?

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Message 1 of 16

Dear mlang,


Your 5102 and 5112 should definitley work in Windows 7 64 bit. Both devices are compatible with NI Scope 3.6 and this driver is compatilbe with the previously mentioned operating system. Therefore, this makes me believe that there could be a hardware problem with your boards. Would it be alright if we could swap the PCI slots on the cards? Let's make sure that there is no problem specific to a PCI slot. It could also be a good idea to try a different computer to see if this problem is computer specific.


Efrain G.
National Instruments
Visit http://www.ni.com/gettingstarted/ for step-by-step help in setting up your system.
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Message 2 of 16

Dear mlang,


Unfortunately, I just realized that I overlooked some of the details in the readme file for NI Scope 3.6 that I pointed you to. It turns out that both NI PXI/PCI-5102 and NI PXI/PCI-5112 are in fact not supported in Windows 7 64 bit, only on 32 bit. I am very sorry that this is the case. I apologize on behalf of National Instruments. I understand that this might be quite inconvenient for you, so I want to give you a number so that you can call  us to see what we can do about this. The number is 1866 275 6964.

Efrain G.
National Instruments
Visit http://www.ni.com/gettingstarted/ for step-by-step help in setting up your system.
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Message 3 of 16

Well, glad I wasn't the only one overlooking everything on this digitizer goose hunt. I see from that readme that no 64 bit OS is supported for either of those digitizers. Unfortunately, I need a 64 bit OS to handle the large data sets in Matlab and to utilize all 12G of RAM.


Here's a possibility: Does anyone have any experience w/ running a compiled LV program w/ the 5102 via Virtual PC?

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Message 4 of 16

Ok. Scratch that. Virtual Machines apparently can't access physical hardware unless it can be mapped to a COM port or other device that VM has access to. And I don't think I can turn it around: Have a XP installation and a Win 7 x64 VM for large data set # crunching since I don't believe a VM can access more memory than the host OS can.


So, back to the drawing board. Are there not even beta 64-bit drivers for the 5102 I could try out? I'd even settle for alpha level.

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Message 5 of 16

Dear mlang,


Unfortunatley, I am not aware of any version of drivers that will support this devices on Win7 x64. I am really sorry.

Efrain G.
National Instruments
Visit http://www.ni.com/gettingstarted/ for step-by-step help in setting up your system.
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Message 6 of 16

Is it only Win 7 x64 that has no active development? I know XP x64 and Vista x64 are also "NO"s in that support matrix, but do you know if there has been any effort in regards to drivers for those OS's? Or are there no plans for 64-bit drivers at all?

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Message 7 of 16

Hi mlang,


I am really sorry to be "the guy" bringing all the bad news. However, at this point I have not heard of any anouncements about the future of the compatibility of these drivers.

Efrain G.
National Instruments
Visit http://www.ni.com/gettingstarted/ for step-by-step help in setting up your system.
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Message 8 of 16



Would like to know, does NI came up with driver support for NI PXI 5102 for O.S. Win7 *64bit as facing similar kind of trouble?

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Message 9 of 16



No, the PCI/PXI-5102 is not supported in Windows 7 64-bit.  I verified that in the latest driver readme file.


NI-SCOPE 4.1.3 Driver


Wayne T. | Application Engineer | National Instruments
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Message 10 of 16