09-06-2007 08:31 AM - edited 09-06-2007 08:31 AM
Message Edited by luase on 09-06-2007 08:39 AM
09-06-2007 02:49 PM
09-07-2007 01:21 AM
Thank you very much for your fast reply. That helps me a lot.
Could you give me some hints what proper programming means, because I’ve got very tough requirements using the PCI-5152.
I have to sample at least 150.000.000 pulses.
The pulse frequency is 1MHz and the pulse width is 50ns, that means 50ns ON-Time and 950ns OFF-Time. I think I have to use continuous acquisition and the multirecord mode. In order to minimize the amount of sampled data I want to sample every second pulse because the rearm time of the digitizer is just 1µs and I want to take 100 samples of the 50 ns pulse. I thought of taking 25 samples before the pulse (OFF Time) then 50 samples of the actual pulse (ON-TIME) and in the end 25 samples after the pulse (OFF Time). This I want to realize with 25 pre-trigger-samples and 75 post-trigger-samples. The Trigger is an extern 1MHz square wave that is synchronous to the pulse I want to sample
So I would get a data rate of 50MB/s (100 Samples/Byte within 2µs = 50MB/s) and I get 500.000 pulses per second. Since I need at least 150.000.000 pulses each sampled with 100 values I get finally a data amount of 15 GB and have to sample over a time period of 300 seconds.
As further information: I have also 2 another NI measurements cards in my pc (also PCI Slots). One DIO card and one AIO card. These cards will not be used while sampling the data whit the PCI 5152.
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards
09-13-2007 06:34 PM - edited 09-13-2007 06:34 PM
Message Edited by Paul C. on 09-13-2007 06:36 PM
09-14-2007 12:44 AM
Hello Paul,
thank you very much for your help. I will have a look to the articles you gave me and do some tests with the Digitizer.
So I hope I will handle it with your advices.
Thanks a lot.
Kind regards