03-27-2006 01:05 PM
03-27-2006 02:06 PM
03-28-2006 07:54 AM
03-28-2006 09:08 AM
04-06-2006 09:18 AM
04-10-2006 09:18 AM
Hi Mark,
The description provided for the VI might be the information you are looking for:
In a multi-record acquisition, each record is one waveform with at least "min record length" points as specified with the Configure Horizontal Timing VI. Furthermore, each record is triggered, so when the trigger arrives for the first record, the hardware quickly rearms for the next record. Refer the to Multi Record example for more information.
In this example, the Fetch VI is used with the Fetch Record Number and Fetch Number of Records properties to fetch each record individually. Using the Fetch VI with a positive timeout only waits for the requested waveform to be done - rather than waiting for all the records. In this example, the fetch VI only waits for the next record, and than it retrieves the record while it is acquiring other records.
The Allow More Records Than Memory property is a Boolean value that allows you to configure more records than fit in the onboard memory at one time. When this is enabled, you can specify any number of records. The records are treated circularly in the onboard memory, so you must fetch them before they are overwritten. If you attempt to fetch a record that has been overwritten in the digitizer's memory, an error is returned.
Hope this clarifies some of your questions.
Tica T
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
06-14-2007 11:58 AM
I know it has been a while since these posts went up, but I have a question:
You mentioned that to increase the effectiveness of the onboard memory, you should change the memory from 16 bits to 8 bits so that when you fetch 8 bits it is not actually just throwing away the extra 8 bits and you are recording 1 byte/point instead of 2.
How do you switch the PXI-5124 from recording 16 bits to 8 bits?
06-14-2007 12:22 PM
Hi Jason,
To set the sample width to 8-bits, you would set the Binary Sample Width property to 8. In LabVIEW, you use the NI-SCOPE property node as shown in the attached picture.
In C you would use the following function:
ViStatus niScope_SetAttributeViInt32 (ViSession vi, ViConstString channelList, NISCOPE_ATTR_BINARY_SAMPLE_WIDTH, 8);
I hope this helps.
Sean Close
06-14-2007 12:24 PM
06-14-2007 01:13 PM