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Testing PFI lines on PCI 6541

I got PCI 6541 card on which there are 3 PFI lines that I want to verify that they work.
What is the best way to test these lines by using other DIO lines or whatever else I need in order to test them?
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The quickest way I can think of is to just export the clock onto a PFI line and read off the exported signal.  You can use the export signal VI that comes with the NI-HSDIO driver.

I hope this helps!

Message Edited by Ryan N. on 04-25-2008 12:53 PM
Ryan N
National Instruments
Application Engineer
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Message 2 of 3
Hi Intern, PFI lines can be used for input or output, yout test will depend on what do you want to proove. To test them for output you can export the Data Active event using the VI that ryan describes (there are restriction on where you can export clocks) and run the example "Dynamic Generation with DAta Active Event"; you should see a pulse on the PFI line when data is being generated. For input, you can configure a trigger and provide a pulse externally, if your acquisition completes with no errors after you provide the trigger, then the PFI is working fine. If you can connect some PFI lines together you can use the "Dynamic Generation and Acquisition Source Synchronous" example to export data active to a PFI and use it as a trigger ina nother PFI line, the example has documentation on what is going on. I hope this helps, JC
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