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Timestamps NI 5114


C++, Linux, NI 5114.
I need to store UTC timestamps of each trigger which occurred. There is a way to do it via ‘absolute trigger time = absolute initial x – relative initial x‘ using ‘waveform info’. The problem is that in general I don’t know the UTC time of TDC start. Of course I can invoke ‘reset’ function but it will reset ALL of the properties as well. So this is not the best way. I’m wondering is there any way to find out current TDC value or function that resets TDC only?
Regards, Valery.

PS: and actually niscope_reset doesn't reset the TDC 😞
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PPS: I rather need to reset (or get current value) time stamp counter than TDC…

Message Edited by BABAY on 12-01-2006 08:51 AM

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