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Transistion Measurements - start time value

 On the 'Pulse and Transition measurements.vi' example the start and end time values are relative to the trigger, this is what I need to do with my test setup to measure the delay between the input and output response of the unit under test. But when I run my vi the time is always a large value (I think its seconds since 1/1/1900) is there a way to change this? I am using niscope instead of the basic function generator, could this be the problem? Altenatively is there a way to determine the time of the trigger, then I could take this away from the start time to give the delay between input and output.
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Message 1 of 4

Can I ask how you are testing the time from start to end of your processing? Are you using Time stamps to find difference in sequence structures?

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Message 2 of 4
I'm not using time stamps or sequence structures. I start by generating a square wave at a digital output of my 6218, which is also linked to the external trigger input of the 5133. Then using the niscope acquisition status I wait for the acquistion to be completed, the results are collected from the scope using niscope read function and sent to a graph. I then use the Transition Measurements vi to get the start and end time of the rising output signal, but these are not specified relative to the trigger as in the example include with labview.
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Message 3 of 4