10-30-2006 05:09 PM
10-31-2006 01:05 PM
Hello Rudy27,
There are two things you need to consider for the trigger delay:
1) In a multi-record acquisition using the NI 5112, the time per record should be > 42 µs and trigger delay should be > 42 µs. Otherwise, you may observe trigger timeouts. This is found on the help file Start » All Programs » National Instruments » NI-SCOPE » Documentation » NI High Speed Digitizers.
2) You cannot change the trigger delay during runtime. You need to stop the acquisition, then reconfigure the device and then start it again.
If is multiple times, then you can make your record size to be
the entire burst.
If is single time, then I would assume is always the same
Hope this helps.
10-31-2006 01:38 PM
Thanks and to answer your question: I only have a tigger at the start of the burst (it's a marker pulse from a 5412 generator).
I'll also explain this setup a little better. I am generating a 10cycle burst at a burst rate of 500Hz from a 5412. A marker pulse is placed at the start of the burst. This burst drives a transducer which outputs a signal that is picked up by a receiver after some delay. I'm using the marker pulse to tirgger the scope acquisition and I need to set the trigger delay equal to the amount of time it takes for the receiver to pick up the signal.
The transducers have a ring up and ring down that extends the received burst length so I'm recording a time longer than the burst length. Right now the burst length is 2.9us so I think I'm grabbing about 6us. The trigger delay is 20us. I'm reconfiguring constantly because I wanted the adjustments to be immediate.
The trigger delay I use at program start will be an estimate . The necessary delay will actually vary so I want the user to be able to adjust it. I did try aborting before configuring the trigger but it didn't work. Placing the reset VI before the configuration is still the only thing that works. Maybe I should run it in single acqusition mode and average the waveforms external to the scope VI's.
I will look at the documentation you listed. Thanks for your help-
11-01-2006 11:44 AM
11-01-2006 12:14 PM
11-01-2006 12:14 PM
11-01-2006 12:14 PM
11-01-2006 05:35 PM