11-24-2006 03:55 AM
11-24-2006 06:59 AM
11-27-2006 04:56 AM
Hello Valery,
how did you configure the vertical triggering parameter for the 5114?
The trigger coupling parameter works much like the vertical coupling parameter, i.e. the signal is immediately coupled based on the settings for the vertical coupling parameter. Now setting the vertical coupling parameter to AC, the DC components are removed immediately.
Now it should be enough to simply call the 'configure vertical' parameter when using the analog input channels as trigger source.
The error code indicates that there as been a mismatch between these two parameters.
I don't know if I got you right, thus do not hesitate to contact at any time if you have any queueries.
C.L. - National Instruments Applications Engineering
11-27-2006 08:47 AM
11-27-2006 09:15 AM