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multiple recording of waveforms using an external trigger signal

Open mouth, insert foot.  I should have looked at your default values.  You need to set the array size based on the value numSamples and the actual number of samples taken (actual record length).  Once you have initiated, you can query for the actual record length.  Since you already have an NI-SCOPE property node in the right place, just add another item and select Horizontal->Actual Record Length.  You can also use niScope Actual Record Length.vi, if you would prefer.  Make sure you do it after you initiate your acquisition.

Drop a case structure just before your array initialization.  Wire numSamples to the selection.  In one case, type in ..-1.  Make the other case the default (selector box should read Default, and nothing else).  In the ..-1 case, use the actual record length as the output of the case.  In the Default case, use the lessor of the actual record length and numSamples (you can't take more data than is available) as the output.  Wire the output of the case to the number of array elements.

If you have any more problems, let me know.
Message 21 of 24

Dear DFGray,

I hope that I understood your explanation correctly. Please see attached program "Multi-record from Beam_7". Is this the correct way?

Kind regards,





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Message 22 of 24
You got it right.  I would make two small changes.  First, put two periods in front of the -1 in your case statement, so the case reads "..-1".  This is shorthand for -1 or less.  The NI-SCOPE driver interprets any negative number to mean all the points.  Second, you can use the Max & Min primitive in the other case instead of making an array and using the Array Max & Min.  It won't make any real difference in your program execution time, but your block diagram will be a bit cleaner.  Find it in the Comparison palette.

Keep on wiring...
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Message 23 of 24
Hello All,

I am a newbie for using labivew and national instrument stuffs..
I've got similar trouble for this continous data acquisition.

I'm using PCI-5124.
My signal trigger is periodic (actually not using actual trigger, but the data comes at every certain amount of time i.e. with freq 100 Hz).
I have problems getting, for example, 10 consecutive signals (10 records).
I kept loosing some data.
My sample rate is 10 MS/s.
And the record length for each record is 100000.

Attached are the VI file and a word file that shows that I lost some data.

Can one of the experts help me, please?

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Message 24 of 24