Indian LabVIEW Users Group (IndLUG)

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IndLUG M10 Meeting ( Meeting Link Available )

Hello all,


For those who attended my session and want to try the examples yourself, I have attached the VIs (LV 2019).


In case if you have any explanation for the behavior (why the wait function executes in sequence - not parallel in the loop, when the content is replaced with a sub VI), feel free to post your reply here & tag me.




0 Kudos
Message 11 of 17

LabVIEW version 2016 & 2018 attached

Download All
Message 12 of 17

Thank you Kumar for posting VIs in other LV versions. Let me know if you have noticed any difference in behavior in other versions.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 17

Unfortunately i missed this session. When the recording of the session is available?

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 17

Hello All,


My example VIs on Web Application are available here -




Shubhajit Bagchi

Message 15 of 17

Hi Senthil,

           I recollect one similar code with wire branching. They have provided explanation about how compiler makes decision about which branch getting executed first based on memory management.  It is available in LabVIEW Help document under memory management. 


The example code contains

              1) Numeric Array – an Incoming Array (of size 1000) of numbers (double data type = 8 bytes). 

              2) two nodes directly connected to the Numeric Array

                              a) Index node to pick a single element from the array.

                              b) Replace an element in the incoming array.

Ideally, the branching of wire will copy, so it should allocate an additional 8k of memory. But the LabVIEW compiler will optimize the memory allocation by fixing the order of execution among the branches of wire.


                    If both branch has nodes like delete array or replace array, LabVIEW will be forced to duplicate the incoming array as it cannot reuse memory by fixing the order of execution. In that case, the order of execution can be any order.


I think it is a similar way the complier decides the order of execution when there is a subVI that you showed during the event.


Please find the link about how LabVIEW performs bottom up (subvis to top level vis) for these optimizations.

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யாதும் ஊரே! யாவரும் கேளிர்!!

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 17

Hi sir

please share meeting video on YouTube 

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Message 17 of 17