Indian LabVIEW Users Group (IndLUG)

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Presentations of IndLUG Meeting 6

unable to view any of the video link shared.. please share it again.. thanks


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 12

Hi all,


Object oriented state machine based execution engine example is attached. To run the program please place it into D:\Work\INDLUG. In case you want to use it from other location, please change the file path and the class paths available in -


- \Functions\Base Fx.ini

- \Functions\Child Fx.ini

- \System.ini

- Edit the subsequence call path also once you run the software.


Note: The software may contain bugs as it is made only for demonstration purpose as proof of concept and not completely tested. 



Shubhajit Bagchi

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 12