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1073807339 TCPIP VSA read error

Hello All- I am trying to communicate with Agilent 89601 software in an Infiniium scope using TCPIP socket VISA Vis with SCPI commands. Like similar threads, I get this read error. I have been able to use Agilent I/O suite, Ni-Max, and VeePro to get a simple response to *IDN?. For some reason, I cannot get it using the VISA commands in labview.


I have tried some of the solutions other people have posted with similar errors, but i cannot get a response.

I can view the commands going into the test equipment with Agilents Translator Framework. I will say that it when I send the *IDN? command thru labview, i get a  comment that 'command completed without a termination character'.  The equipment still gets the command in and it appears to puts a response in the buffer, but LabView cannot see it. I have tried putting different termination characters, but i get the same response.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Hey Neal, I have a few questions,


What termination character did you try?

What is the exact error you are getting? 

Can you read from it in NI-MAX (i.e. using a test pannel)?

What other methods have you tried to solve this issue?

Did it work on any other station at any time?


Hopefully, we'll get to the bottom of this,



Kurt P
Automated Test Software R&D
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

-\n or \r

- I will have to get you that message, but it is a time out error.(1073807339)

- i can get the IDN response with NI-MAx, but i do get a timeout error as well in the status menu.

- I have connected with Agilent VeePro, with not problems, and i have used the agilent I/O suite with no problem. (unfortunately, i need to use labview).


- I have had one coworked able to communicate via real basic, and python, but i cannot use those at this time.


I am trying to clear out some other tasks for this job, but am always looking to try different things to get the communication up between the controller and this piece of equipment.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hey Neal,


Are you using a control to write this command to your device?


Try right clicking the control that you use to send the command and changing the display type to " '/' Code Display ".


Let me know if that works. 



Kurt P
Automated Test Software R&D
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Hi Kurt-

i get the same error.

Possible reason(s):

VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.

This stops at the VISA read.


some more quick info.

I am using the VISA resource name to address the unit using TCPIP0::<IP Address>::<socket #>:: SOCKET

sending in a '*IDN? (i made the change in the control to "\ code display")

I am trying different values for the read data length. i have read someplace that this could be the problem as it might be looking for data longer than what is available.

If you can shed any light on this further, it would be greatly appreciated.

I am hoping to do this with just SCPI commands.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Hi Neal,


So I'm not super familiar with TCPIP but it is possible that the network that you are on may need a longer amount of time than the VISA default time out setting is allowing. Try adding a property node that redifines the timeout time and set it to like a minute or two just to see if it is just taking a long time.



Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

as i understand the problem in the termination characters that cannot be defined for tcpip socekts. ( serial only)

So if i dont know the amount of byte in response two possible scenarios are possible:

Or warning that in buffer still unreaded data or timeout error in case i try to read more than the response lenght.

increasing the timeout -is no solution, 

Unfortunately it hase not the parameter "bytes in buffer" too.


So how to correctly read?



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

fixed, found termination  in general inst settings

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

can you attach a example vi of your solution?

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9