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Agilent ENA s3p file

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I'm looking for a somewhat simple way to generate an s3p file for my Agilent E5071C Network Analyzer.  I guess my biggest need is to figure out how to obtain swept data.  Right now I just setup the 9 traces (S11, S12, S13, S21, S22, S23, S31, S32, S33) and then setup my markers and take individual measurements.  There must be a way to collect an array of data over a frequency range from a trace.  Anyone know how?  Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 15

Markers are not the way to get trace data.


Re-read the Help file for the E5071C.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 15

Thanks for the insight.  I was just thinking there would be an intuitive way to capture an s3p file besides generating it myself.  It also looks like when I try to capture trace data, there is no imaginary component.  I know there's a rather quick and easy way to generate an s3p file on the instrument itself.  These calls aren't available via the Agilent ENA Series Labview drivers?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 15

@plasmaphase wrote:

 It also looks like when I try to capture trace data, there is no imaginary component.

That is NOT true.

You just don't have the instrument set up properly.

I don't use LabVIEW drivers very often.

Especially for an instrument such as this, you will want to read the Help file to understand how to use it.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 15

Right, you said that the first time.  You're not listening to me.  I am able to quite easily generate an snp file via the front panel controls.  That's not the issue.  The issue is the Agilent ENA Series LabView drivers.  I was just wondering if there was a simple way to generate an snp file using those drivers.  If you don't have anything to contribute to this thread, please don't post.  Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 15

I would recommend using the Agilent ENA "VI Tree," found in the Agilent ENA Palette.  Drop the VI on your block diagram and then double click on the icon.  The block diagram of the VI will outline all of the available VIs and then use Context Help to understand function details.  I didn't see a specific way to generate a snp file, however there are many ways to read and write to files regarding the data.


M. Whitaker
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 15

@plasmaphase wrote:

Right, you said that the first time.  You're not listening to me.  I am able to quite easily generate an snp file via the front panel controls.  That's not the issue.  The issue is the Agilent ENA Series LabView drivers.  I was just wondering if there was a simple way to generate an snp file using those drivers.  If you don't have anything to contribute to this thread, please don't post.  Thanks.

If it isn't there, you can't do it. Simple enough for you?

Blindly depending on drivers is what got you into this predicament.




0 Kudos
Message 7 of 15
Accepted by plasmaphase

The problem was relatively easily solved on my own as follows:


Use the VISA Write block to send the following strings:

  • :MMEMory:STORe:SNP:TYPE:S3P 1,2,3
  • :MMEMory:STORe:SNP:DATA "C:\filename.s3p"

Use the Agilent ENA Series.lvlib:File Transfer From a Storage to grab the file from the Network Analyzer and store it to a local file.



Again, I have no problem with finding a solution on my own (obviously), nor do I have issues with a lack of support or response, however, I do have an issue with derisive and demeaning commentary.  Please keep it to yourself if you don't have positive suggestions for those seeking honest suggestions and assistance on this support forum.  Thanks.

Message 8 of 15

I took me a little bit time to recover what you actually typed in as commands.


I guess there is some error from the emotions features of the forum

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 15

Would you please repost the commaonds for s3p files? i think there are erros in emoticons here. I'm trying to save a s4p file. Thanks


0 Kudos
Message 10 of 15