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CDaq not recognising U-Blox M8 GPS device

Hello I have a CDaq NI-9133. I have plugged in a U-Blox GPS evaluation kit via USB into the chassis and I cannot get the system to recognise the device. The same kit works on my laptop with a gps programme I wrote in LabView. I installed a driver from U-Blox on my CDaq, but no success.

I saw that there is a labview driver for a previous chip, the 5 series. This also doesn't work completely with the 8 series chip I have. On my cDaq I can't get NI MAX or Windows itself to recognise the device, but it works perfectly on my windows 7 laptop. I think that if windows can't reconise it, then there's no way that my labview programme will work.


Here's the GPS chip -

The 8 series driver is attached.


If anyone can spare some time to think of possible solutions that would be great.





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Message 1 of 3


I've been watching carefully and I see that the gps unit is installed in the Windows "system tray" (bottom right corner). It says which port it is installed in. I made sure my programme was looking at the right port. I get the following error when I try to run the LabView executable.


<nierror code="-1073807202">
VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF009E) VISA or a code library required by VISA could not be located or loaded. This is usually due to a required driver not being installed on the system.


Am I scuppered by the lack of an 8 series driver? Is there a way around this? 

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Message 2 of 3


I've fixed the problem. The NI help page did indeed help me. It turns out that NI-VISA was not installed on my cdaq. Installing that (the driver had correctly installed) has fixed the problem for me. 

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Message 3 of 3