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CRIO 9012 IP Address change

Dear All,

I hope you are safe in COVID-19 condition .


I have a question , actually we have a CRIO-9012 in a oil flow measurement  that due to the high temperature ,it failed and I can not connect to it via Ethernet cable by laptop. Its IP address has changed automatically from static IP  to another IP under  DHCP.


I tried to change its IP address via NI MAX and give static IP address ,but after restarting the controller (CRIO-9012), it goes back to previous IP address I mean the DHCP one.  Any Idea why I can not change the IP address , even I put the " IP Reset " Dip Switch to ON and Press Reset, but after restart the controller ,again it has the same IP address under DHCP . Would you please help in this regard,Any similar experiences ,any guess , any solution or Idea ?


I have attached excel files with photos for more explanation.


Appropriate your help 


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