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Can not access Kepco power supplier

Dear collegues,


it would very pleasant, if you help me in the following situation:


Unfortunately I am not able to access the power supplier of Kepco with Labview. It initializes and goes over into the remote status after contacting it with a vi. But unfortunately it is not able to set the voltage, which I am typing into my labview vi. The issue is curious - on all the other PCs the vi works as it should. Only on one PC, on which I am using x64 operation system and processor with the labview versions 2016 (x64) and 2011(x86). The connection is established by GBIP and a National Instruments GPIB-USB-HS adapter.


Thank you in advance, have wonderful christmas holidays and a great new years eve.


Best wishes,



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There is no version of NI-VISA that supports both LabVIEW 2016 and LabVIEW 2011.  YOu simply can't get there on the same PC without a VM (Virtual Machine)


"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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