Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Communicate with 34410A via usb without any drivers

Hi, do you know, is it possible to communicate with 34410A withought any drivers? Only connect usb to PC and type SCPI commands in serial terminal, for example RealTerm. I tried to do this, but agilent always said: "Error", and no feedback in terminal. I use a RS-232/USB. In LabView it works good. Maybe i lost some preferences? CR, LF... In future i would like to connect a ESP8266 to rs-232 and get data from it. Thanks

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Message 1 of 4

You will need the NI-VISA loaded.  Connect the instrument using VISA Write, Read, and Close only.  As the instrument does accept SCPI commands, the rest is easy.VISAwrc.pngThe other case is the '-1' case.  When the command does not require a query, it skips the VISA Read. This case wires the three outputs straight across to its inputs.

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Make sure your com setting are correct.

baudrate = the default is 9600

parity =none

databits = 8

stopbits = 2

I think you have to enable dtr.


after that is you need to send the ":SYST:REM" command to put the meter into remote serial mode


good luck,





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Message 3 of 4

The device will default to remote control without the


command.  Additionally, many devices communicating directly on USB also do not require any settings.


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