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Communicate with Spectrum Analyzer of Rohde-Schwarz

I want to communicate with Spectrum Analyzer of Rohde-Schwarz FSU through LAN. I have already given the IP address and through remote desktop I can communicate with the Analyzer and I can monitor desktop of analyzer on my PC. But when I tried to communicate it through LabVIEW to control certain parameters of analyzer, the TCP/IP vi is asking for the port number. I do not know what is the port number of my spectrum analyzer. I have gone through all the documentation but I did not get any information regarding the port number. Can someone help me in solving the problem (either tell me how to find the port number or tell me any other way to communicate through LabVIEW without port number)? I have installed all the drivers of this spectrum analyzer in my LabVIEW 8.5.


Best Regards,



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Message 1 of 5

Please use the RsSpecAn Instrument driver, the provided example and the How to getting started from the R&S Driver Download Site:


Regards juergen

Message 2 of 5

Dear juergenstraub


As I have already mentioned in my email that I have already installed all the drivers. I think first I need to establish a connection with the Spectrum Analyzer and TCP open connection vi is needed to establish the connection. This vi is asking for the port number alongwith the IP address. The IP address is fine and working perfectly. Please also if you have any idea that without the port number any vi of the spectrum analyzer can communicate with the spectrum analyzer then please tell me.


With regards,



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Message 3 of 5


please have a look at the example. this will solve your problems.


regards juergen

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Message 4 of 5

I am sorry for necroing this post, but it is always the top result in google for "ni max rohde schwarz tcp ip instrument" and similar combinations.


R&S uses port 5025 as default, and the way to add it in LabView so that it is visible is by doing the following:

Open NI MAX -> Network Devices -> right click and select manual entry of raw socket.

Enter IP address for your R&S instrument and use 5025 as port number. 


This is the link to the documentation,

but I am leaving the above answer in text in case that link would get broken as well. 


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Message 5 of 5