Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Communicating with a Hasomed RehaStim stimulator in Science Mode

Hello.  I am working on an application to apply Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) in a clinical research setting.  We use this stimulator in "Science Mode", in which it can be commanded via a virtual COM port using the FTDI driver.  I am attempting to communicate with the stimulator using NI-MAX.  As you can see from the attached images, I have set the port settings in both Device Manager and the VISA test panel to those indicated in the manual (115200 8N2).  I can write to the device, but I recieve a timeout error when attempting to read.  I've been Googling all day to no avail... can someone help me troubleshoot?




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Message 1 of 5

Hi jfalesi,


Perhaps you are trying to read more bits/bytes than are available at the port? Can you try reading only one bit/byte at a time? Can you query the device?

Ross S.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

I verified the number of bits to read with the manufacturer.  Querying the device gives the same result (timeout).  A rep from the manufacturer says not to use any termination characters on reading or writing.  Does this mean that End Mode should be set to "none"?  I have tried different combinations of termination methods in the I/O settings in VISA test panel to no avail.  The frustrating part is that I can communicate with the device in an application we've written, which simply uses VISA read/writes. We're opening the resource in "Load Configured Settings" mode, which is 115200 8N2 RTS/CTS.


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Message 3 of 5

How do you read a single bit from VISA Test Panel?

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Message 4 of 5

It might actually be more insightful to verify the bytes showing up at the port; would you have access to the VISA API in LabVIEW to test this? If so, the following KnowledgeBase article will walk you through it:


Also, I may have misspoke when suggesting you read a single bit. I was thinking one byte (my apologies!).

Ross S.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 5 of 5