09-03-2020 11:29 AM
I need to develop an application to remotely control an equipment with RS232 communication port.
The idea is connect a WiFi to serial adapter (http://www.usconverters.com/serial-rs232-wi-fi-adapter) to the equipment and access to it through WiFi network.
According to adapter's manufacturer (U.S. Converters), the adapter has a software utility which creates a virtual COM port in Windows. The virtual COM port can then be used almost as if it was a regular native serial COM port.
Can I use LabView to access to this virtual COM? How can I make it? Or someone have another solution that I can use.
Thanks in advance for your help.
09-06-2020 04:49 PM
If the Wifi-Serial adapter can show up as a COM port, you should be able to select that port from the VISA resources control and use it as a regular serial device and all other translation over WiFi be taken care of by the manufacturer's driver
09-07-2020 09:42 PM
Thanks you Santhosh for your help.