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Control mass flow controller using USB 3105 (measurement computing)

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good day..


I have a question related to a mass flow controller...


I have a daq chassis to whom i connect one external sensor as an anologic input, but i have two more sensors with usb output conected to the same application using usb ports, everything works well, but...


My question is, are there any Labview options to connect them (the usb instruments) to the chassis in order to use just one usb port and not three as i using now ?


thanks in advances


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Message 11 of 12

Hey riotimus,


Good question, but I would try posting this in a new thread if possible.


I don't know the specifics of your cDAQ, but I'm fairly sure that I/O is constrained to the modules. Most cDAQ don't have a controller on them that can accept that kinda of input.

Application Engineer, RF and Communications
National Instruments
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Message 12 of 12