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Controlling NI SCXI 1195 with LabVIEW via USB-1359 - Problems controlling switching relays.

Hi all, I searched around the forums but couldn't find this question. First off, I'm using Windows XP SP3, LabVIEW version 8.5, and NI Switch Executive 2.2 with the NI Switch Soft Front Panel. The NI SCXI 1195 quad 4x1 switch shows up correctly in the NI SCXI-1001 switch box under the NI-DAQmx Devices pane of MAX ver


When using the Ni Switch SFP I am able to go to the relays tab and toggle relay positions open and closed, and I hear the relay actuating inside the switch.


I created a virtual device in the NI Switch Executive called "AH_Test" (attached as a text file, just change to .xml if you want to import it into NI Switch Executive) that is linked to the switch correctly labeled "SC2Mod4_ivi". This configuration file gives aliases to two channels on the multiplexer, labels the Hardwires, and creates a Route for the two channels. The Route configuration is valid (attached).


When using the LabVIEW program "NI Switch Executive - Interactive Control," I can open the virtual device "AH_Test" and generate the correct route string, but pressing connect/disconnect does not actuate the relay in the switch. I can see on the Schematic tab of the NI Switch SFP that the path is connected/disconnected when pressing the corresponding buttons in the LabVIEW program, but the Relays tab does not show the relay switching.


I think the problem is somewhere in the virtual device I created; maybe the IVI drivers aren't working correctly? Why can I actuate the relays with the Ni Switch SFP by using the Relays tab, though when using LabVIEW I can see on the Schematics tab the switch toggling but no relays are switching?


I attached the files I thought were appropriate - I would greatly appreciate help in determining how to use LabVIEW to actuate the relays in the switch bank. 



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Some more evidence to help narrow dow possible solutions:


I closed several relays using the NI Switch SFP, then closed NI Switch SFP. I then ran the LabVIEW program "NI Switch Executive - Configuration Management" (attached). I was able to see my virtual device "AH_Test," selected it and after pressing "Validate" heard the relays actuate inside the switch bank as the validation process resets the relays to their default open position. So, at least under some circumstances the LabVIEW program is able to switch relays, but not when the user selects specific relays to actuate.

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Message 2 of 3

Hi AHiggins,


I want to make sure I'm understanding the issue: you're saying that when you toggle the switches in LabVIEW, the schematics tab on the Switch SFP updates to show the changes, but the relay tab does not? Are you selecting the correct bank? Is this causing you any issues or are you just pointing out the unexpected behavior?

Sunayna R.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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