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Controlling Zeiss Axio Observer Z1m



I am trying to control Zeiss Axio Observer Z1m with the drivers I found in NI's driver network (here).

I am using a usb-serial connector. My LabVIEW version is 2013.


The connection is established, initialization and some actions work well, but then other actions result in an error.

For example in "Set Light" in the drivers, opening and closing the shutter for transmitted light works well but running the same for reflected light results in an error and the shutter state isn't modified.


What could be the problem and what are my possible routes for fixing this?




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Hi Mait,


It's hard to say without knowing what error is occurring. You should be able to find exactly where in the driver the error is originating from.


If you can provide what the error is (i.e. error code) and where in the driver it originates (i.e. what function inside of "Set Light"), you'll have a better chance at correcting or working around it.

Steven Gloor
Staff Customer Engineer - CTA, CLD
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