Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Dirver of MTX393 multimeter

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1-Im looked for a driver to my MTX3293, wich is connected with a USB cable I can't find it ? 

2-and if does not exist how can i get it ?

3- Can I acquire data from my multimter with VISA Only without the driver ? 

Thank you for all



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Message 1 of 13


Probably yes if it supports a serial interface via usb. That should be readable in the manual.

If you have an english manual or poiint to  download page I can take a look.

greetings from the Netherlands
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Message 2 of 13


thank you for answering my question, you will find attached the document for remote progamming of the MTX3293

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Message 3 of 13

Good that the manual is clear and the commands are like SCPI.


This is a good tutorial on communicating with instruments

Soliton Technologies

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Message 4 of 13


This instrument is perfectly programmable and readable via visa.

Look at the link Santhosh gave you in the previous message

greetings from the Netherlands
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Message 5 of 13

Thank you for taking time to answer me, i try to send the command ":CATalog?" to read the list of extended but i cant get it 

with error (tome out)









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Message 6 of 13


Please send a vi saved with all frontpanel settings. And eventually a copy of the errormessage.

I believe you have to add a linefeed after the command to get a result.

And why do you use DCI on for handshaking?


Which version of LabVIEW are you using so I can send a simple example that does a read on the instrument.

greetings from the Netherlands
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Message 7 of 13


this is my simple program to acquire data using Vi but does not work , only error 1210 

i use the 2019 version 

with visa does not work with me, even i succelfully communicate with instrument on the test pannel of MAx


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Message 8 of 13


Nice vi but I miss 3 subvi's that can tell me what is wrong

greetings from the Netherlands
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Message 9 of 13

this the LLB drivers on labVIEW from the officiel website of the Metrix 

for MTX3293

can you confirm for me if the sub VI are correct , and can communicate with my instrument i will be very grateful to unlock me in this situation   

thank you  

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Message 10 of 13