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Driver for Cole-Parmer Pump 775211-70

Hello all, 


We are looking to control a Cole-Parmer Digital Gear Pump Drive (Model #: 75211-70) for an automation project. The pump will be controlled with LabView (Version 15.0.1)  to turn it off or on.  We have an RS232 cable for the connection but do not have the driver for it. There does not seem to be a third party driver offered for it on the NI website so I was wondering if anyone has created one. Or if not, what are possible resources to create one for ourselves. Thank you for your help!

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Message 1 of 4

I don't think the DB25 on the pump is for serial RS-232 communications, hence probably the reason for no driver. From the limited product description:


Remote control options include speed control input 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, or 0 to 10 V; tachometer output 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, or 0 to 10 V. Pumping direction and start/stop/purge require open collector or contact closure.


I suggest reading the manual for the pump to confirm.



"It’s the questions that drive us.”
Message 2 of 4



Thank you for your response. I am attaching the manual to this message for your convenience. On page 3-23, the manual gives a layout of the contact arrangements and states that pins 5, 13, 17, and 18 could be used for the START/STOP function.


My partner and I are new to automation and are unfamiliar with this territory. Cole-Parmer offered this cable as a connector (using 20-22 gauge shielded wires) to the pump in order to customize our connection. Would we only need to connect to the pins associated with the START/STOP function? And from there, how would we go about setting up communication between the pump, the computer, and ultimately LabView?


Also, could we get away with buying a cheaper DB25 cable from another vendor or does it need to be from Cole-Parmer?


Thanks for the help!!!!

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Message 3 of 4

I don't have much time to look into this (ISO Audit this week), but it looks like pins 15 and 17 are used to START/STOP the unit. Looks like you have to set up the unit in the menus to behave the way you want and then go into remote mode.


I have a hunch any DB25 cable can be used. I would get the cable first and then connecting the wires to pins 15 and 17 together after configuring the pump to verify it works as intended.


Once that is achieved a DAQ card with digital outputs or relay outputs could be programmed in LabVIEW to automate the START/STOP operation. If you want to do further control or monitoring you would also need analog inputs/outputs on the same DAQ card.





"It’s the questions that drive us.”
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