05-27-2011 04:57 PM
I have tried to connect E3633A via RS-232 and tested Measurement and Automation (MAX). I can send *IDN? and read the model number back, also i can send command to Output on and Output off, changing voltage and current etc. This means the cable and the connection between instrument and computer should be no problem.
However, when I tried to send the command from Labview (6.1), it shows error 1073807339 occurred at VISA Read. I did not try to write complicated codes, I just want to send commands as I did to MAX. Hence, I write VISA Configure serial port, VISA W, VISA R and VISA C, and connect the VISA resource name and error in and out. I also make sure the baud rate, data bits are same as the set on E3633A. After completing the above, I run the program but the error occurred. I changed the timeout to be 10s and 20s, but the error still come out. Can anyone give me suggestions or solutions for this? I am so frustrated, I really hope some one can help me, even just a short comment or correction. Thank you very much in advance.
05-27-2011 08:14 PM
05-28-2011 08:24 AM
05-28-2011 12:00 PM
Use the same terminator that you are using in MAX. If that does not work, then you have not formatted the string correctly. Post your code if you want someone to check your work.
05-31-2011 04:24 PM
I great appreciate if you could correct my code. Below is a simple test code i used to connect E3633A to computer via RS-232. I verified the baud rate 9600 and data bit 8 is same as the machine setting. I change the timeout from 10000ms to 20000ms but still error comes out. Any problem found? Thanks!!
05-31-2011 05:24 PM
That's not code - that's an image. Post the actual VI or if you post an image, make it a snippet (see the help if you don't know what that is).
05-31-2011 05:28 PM
Attached is the VI file. Hope this works.
05-31-2011 05:36 PM
I told you to make sure '\' Codes Display was turned on. It is not. When you try to send a termination character, you are sending the text "\" and then "n" (for example). If you did not understand what I meant, you should have asked or looked it up in the LabVIEW help. Just right click on the string control to see the display options.
05-31-2011 05:41 PM
I actually tried both: turn on and off the termination character, but didn't solve the error. Here is another vi.
05-31-2011 06:22 PM
I NEVER told you to change the termination character.