Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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EMtest ERROR: File read problem



I am currently in process of developing driver for emtest autowave using GPIB commands.


Code I have so far:


rm = visa.ResourceManager()
string = "GPIB0::18::INSTR"
self.inst = rm.open_resource(string,open_timeout= 60)
GPIBstring = "TRFL r/home/guest/DowFiles/SineTest.dsg"
self.inst.write("DIR? DOWD")
# self.interface.vi_write("DIR? RECD")
self.inst.write("MOD GEN")
self.inst.write("SOUR SEGM SineTest.dsg")
self.inst.write("TRFL %s" %path)


But I'm facing error :

ERROR: File read problem




I didn't install any software from emtest autowave. Is any software  is required?

Anything I need to do before transfer.

If I want to transfer from my PC path how to do it? Instead of this path /home/guest/DowFiles/SineTest..


I really appreciate code snippets to do this.

Thanks in advance.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12
How is your question related to any NI hardware or software? This is a question you need to ask the vendor or read the instrument's manual.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

Thanks for your reply .

I mentioned as Instrument Control(GPIB,serial,VISA,IVI) Hardware boards. But I am not able figure out what causing this failure.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12
How to acquire a signal, save it, and then transfer it to your pc, is INSTRUMENT specific and should be explained by the INSTRUMENT vendor and its manual. The only suggestion i have is to debug all of the command in MAX before writing any code but that's just common sense and basic.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12
Thanks Dennis, but I saw similar questions in d forum. Thought many people already use this instruments. Anyways thanks for your concern
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

I am too facing the same issue . Please share if anybody has any info 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

I am too facing the same issue 

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12



 Can you give a little more insight into the issue ? What programming language are you using ? Which development environment are you using ? If you are facing run time errors, can you use debgging tools to narrow down on the precise line in your code throwing this issue ?


I understand that you are using GPIB tools, but wanted to know specifically what NI hardware and software you are using for your application ?


-Suraj Pawar

AE, NI India

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12


I have task to remotely control the EMtest Autowave and VDS 200Q .

I am using NI MAX tool to send the commands to EMTest Autowave . Using this I can set/change a particular Voltage on

VDS 200Q.

But When I generate a voltage profile using EMTest Autowave tool i.e (.dsg file) and try to load it the above error message is displayed .


The sequence of commands are:

command:DIR? DOWD    // To get the name of download directory.. Where is this directory present?

Response : DIR DOWD:/home/guest/DOWFiles

command:TRFL  /home/guest/DOWFiles/<file_name.dsg file>   // The file_name of voltage profile generated using Autowave software and stored on the local PC.

command:MOD GEN   // To Enter into Generator mode

command:SOUR SEGM <file_name.dsg>    



After this command the above error is generated.

I have attached the pic of the setup used in the lab.


Thanks for your support.

Hope we resolve this issue



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

The sequence of commands are:

command DIR? DOWD    // To get the name of download directory.. Where is this directory present?

Response : DIR DOWD:/home/guest/DOWFiles

command:TRFL  /home/guest/DOWFiles/<file_name.dsg file>   // The file_name of voltage profile generated using Autowave software and stored on the local PC.

command: MOD GEN   // To Enter into Generator mode

command SOUR SEGM <file_name.dsg>    


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Message 10 of 12