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ENA 5061B - Q values

I am using ENA 5061B Network analyzer with NI instrument driver. I need to build application where I manually enter the 14 frequencies in array and program uses each frequency as a center frequency and zooms on each frequency to get the Q value from the Netwrok Analyzer. But the netwrok analyzer shows only one Q value in the array instead of array of Q values of all 14 frequencies. How can I resolve this? Please help.

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You'll need to show us your code.I assume you make 14 separate sweeps using a loop and shift registers or build array.  Do you see an error after one sweep that prevents further measurements?   Obviously something is wrong but hard to guess at what that could be without seeing some code


Also the ENA is a relatively new and extremely complex instrument with unique capabilities.  Can you describe how you are making the measurement? RF s-parameters or LF-RF impedance mode?  Q-factor of a filter or capacitor?  Are you calculating the Q-factor or is the instrument?


Have you spoken to Keysight about how to make this particular set of measurements and how to automate it?  Do they have examples in their programming manual or other language you are trying to emulate?  Do you need to have a separate cal for each sweep or can you perform 1 cal that covers all the points you will measure and you can use that for all 14 sweeps?  





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