Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Error in KPCI-488 using LabVIEW 8.0....

Dear all,

I have a problem with my instruments. I have a KPCI-488 GPIB card. I want to use it to connect with my instruments. I have Agilent 34401A, Agilent 6625 A, Lakeshore 330, Keithley 7400, Keithley 2400, Keithley 2128. Recently, I installed the KPCI-488 on my PC (AMD Athlon, 512 Mb RAM under Windows XP SP2) and it works. But after that, when I want to connect with my instruments (ex: Agilent 34401A) to PC using LabVIEW 8.0, the PC (and KPCI-488 can't detect my instrument(s)). I also use the Agilent Connection Expert and add my instrument with address GPIB::22::INSTR.

The Agilent Connection Expert can read the KPCI-488 GPIB card but the connection to the instrument(s) can't established. It also happened when I using the Measurement and Automation Explorer.

Any idea to handle with this problem ? Cause we need to run the system soon.

Best regards,

Riser Fahdiran
Physics, ITB, Indonesia
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6


Did you install the LabVIEW compatible drivers as well.

Check with Keithley on their website and make sure you have the latest drivers.


Ray Farmer

Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
Howdy Riser,

If you use LabVIEW to communicate with the Keithley GPIB card, then I'd like to refer you to KnowledgeBase 2KAB9NLQ: Using a Keithley PC488 GPIB Interface with LabVIEW that discusses how to accomplish this and its relevant gotchas.
Warm regards,

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
Dear All,

I already isntalled the cec488v8.exe driver and the windows can read the KPCI-488. On keithley website, there are only providing KPCI-488A dan KPCI-488LP, so I can't get latest driver of KPCI-488.

Best regards,

Riser Fahdiran
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
maybe I can help. I am rather new in the LabView programming buisness (since Nov. 2007), but I allready had much fun Smiley Mad with the GPIB devices from Agilent, Keithley and NI. We have all of them in our lab, so I had to deal with all of them.

You wrote that you use the
Agilent Connection Expert to communicate with your instrument, but the Agilent Connection Expert is the tool to control the Agilent Gpib cards not the Agilent instruments. So its maybe a good idea to uninstall the Agilent Connection Expert.
The best way is to uninstall every gpib driver on your pc (Agilent, Keithley and also NI). Then dismount the gpib card. Now find out witch card you have. You should have one of these cards: KPCI-488A or KPCI-488LP.
This cards need different drivers.
Keithley Link:
Read the release file of your the driver and install the driver as described.

If you use gpib commands you can not use the generic gpib commands from NI you have to use the ones from Keithley.
If you use VISA read this Thread:


Message Edited by markus07 on 05-21-2008 08:32 AM
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

The version 8.0 of the CEC488 driver you have is quite new and should do the job  (yes there is a version 8.3 of this driver which supports your card, but the only difference is added support for new KUSB-GPIB devices).

It does not make sense to attempt to communicate with your instruments using the Agilent Connection Expert, instead...remove it and any other GPIB drivers. If in doubt, remove and reinstall the CEC488 driver.

You should first use the CEC TEST488 Utility to make sure your card is installed and properly recognized. If all goes well, then run the CEC TRTEST utility to communicate with your instruments via GPIB directly. If all goes well, you can then use the NI Visa Interactive Control to talk to instruments via VISA (if you have problems check your VISA passport. There are both KeViCEC and NI GPIB passports. Turn off the NI passport and leave the KEViCEC marked on and try to communicate again).

This should allow you two ways to use LabVIEW to communicate with your instruments:

1.Use VISA commands or

2. Use CEC driver supplied GPIB commands

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Message 6 of 6