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How do I export entire buffer contents of NI-Spy file as text?

I have seen the spy_spreadsheet.exe utility from this website, but that appears to work on .txt exports from NI-Spy, which do not contain the entire buffer contents of each call.

I would like an analogous utility for extracting the buffer contents from the binary .spy format.

I can see the text contents in a hex-editor, but I don't know what the format of the binary file is, so I don't know where the various fields begin and end.

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Message 1 of 4
In order to export your NI-SPY binary file to a text file, you open it up in NI-SPY, and then go to File>>Export and select the name for the text file that you would like to export it to. The utility that you would use to read the contents of the Binary NI-SPY file is NI-SPY, I don't think there are any variations of this utility out there.
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Message 2 of 4
Unfortunately, NI-Spy's File>>Export feature truncates the buffer contents and returns only the first few characters.

I need to extract the entire buffer string from each call.

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Message 3 of 4
How can I get ASCII if log files are too large to read into NI Spy.
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Message 4 of 4