Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Error msgs upon Windows XP shutdown (lktsrv.exe and nidmsrv.exe)

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I have several computers running GPIB-USB-HS and when I shut down the computer, I have recently noticed that intermittently an error message appears for a few seconds and then the computer automatically continues its shutdown.  I see two different error messages stating at different times:

   1.  lktsrv.exe application error    memory not found...

   2.  nidmsrv.exe application error     memory not found ....


They do not seem to be harming anything, but I can't send these systems out to my customers with this happening ~1 out of 10 shutdowns.  Does anyone have any solutions to stopping these errors messages?






0 Kudos
Message 1 of 25

Hi Walt,


I have not seen this type of behavior before.  The services that you are getting the errors from are a Lookout service and the Domain Account Manager service.  So I'm suprised that you are only seeing these messages on machines with the GPIB-USB-HS.  They seem unrelated to me.  Do you have other machines with the same software installed that do not have a GPIB-USB-HS plugged in?  Do they not display this behavior?

Justin Parker
National Instruments
Product Support Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 25

I mentioned the GPIB, because that is the NI product/software that I have on these machines.  All my machines use the GPIB devices.  I have built about 10 systems the same way and using a cloned HD (and same computer hardware).  There is a chance that these errors could exist on the other machines, but they are at different locations and I do not have access to them.  However, no one has told me about seeing these errors, I just happened to stumble on them with these machines.


This is the first time that I have seen such errors.  Would you suggest disabling these services?








0 Kudos
Message 3 of 25

Hi Walt,


I don't know too much about your setup, so I don't know what effect disabling those services will have.  No harm in trying I guess.  But, I would be more interested in you coming up with good steps to reproduce this.  I cannot find any record of other people seeing this behavior.  


Can you give me a screenshot of the message, and PM me your MAX technical report?  Can you try to reproduce it on the other machines.  I can try reproducing it if the other machines show the same behavior.

Justin Parker
National Instruments
Product Support Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 25

It only happens when I shutdown the computer, so I can't get a screen shot of it as it happens during the shutdown sequence and I have no capability to do a screen shot.  The message pops up for about 5 seconds and the computer then continues the shutdown process.  It is intermittent and I have to boot up and then shutdown about 10 times or so, before it appears.  As for other systems, I do not have access to them and it may or may not happen to them,  The system are basically identical (Windows XP, MB, RAM, video, etc.).  If you need more details about this stuff, I can provide it, just let me know what you would need.


I have not determined a way to repeat it.  As for the MAX report, I am not familar with that, but I will go look at that and get back with you.








0 Kudos
Message 5 of 25

maybe use a digital camera to generate a screenshot...

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 25

I appreciate the suggestions.  However, the systems are in a classified vault and cameras are not allowed in there without going through weeks of hoops.  And moving the systems out is not a very practical option, as well.






0 Kudos
Message 7 of 25

Sorry about not explaining MAX reports, check out Documenting Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) Configuration Information. A technical report will get me everything that I need to know about the HW and SW of your system.


Justin Parker
National Instruments
Product Support Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 25



I started to PM you my reports, but my computer crashed (not the computers in question).  Now, I can't seem to get the link to display to PM you.







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Message 9 of 25
Accepted by topic author Walt@Eglin

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Justin Parker
National Instruments
Product Support Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 25