10-26-2016 10:33 PM
I am currently trying to operate a Lumencor laser array through LabView. As of right now I am using a FDTI RS232-USB adapter. In NI MAX, I am able to identify my device (COM-3, see attached screenshot). However, when trying to communicate with the device over LabView I either cannot obtain a connection, or get an error back (also attached). The port settings I am using on NI MAX are the following:
Baud Rate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
When attempting to manually communicate with the device using the VISA Test Panel, I am able to write operation *IDN?\n but when I try to Read it returns a timeout error (Hex 0xBFFF0015). I've also attached the VI that is returning the error. Upon initial start up of LabView, I am occasionally able to detect the COM ports for ~2 seconds, but soon have the error returned to me. Could this be an issue with the driver setup, or am I missing a step in the communication between LabView and the instrument?
Thank you
10-26-2016 10:34 PM
Here is the VI I am trying to run.
10-27-2016 05:55 PM
Hi wyattcurtis824,
You will want to get VISA Test Panels working before attempting to communicate in LabVIEW. You will need to know what kind of commands your device is expecting. The “*IDN?\n” is for SCPII compliant devices so you can only expect that command to work if your device is SCPII compliant. Once you know the command set for your, integrating it into LabVIEW should be a lot easier.
11-06-2016 05:19 PM
Can you provide a link to download the Lumencor's instrument driver subVIs? Once you can detect the port in Max, LabVIEW wont care whether the physical connection is USB to serial or real serial. In addition, are you able to communicate with your device in another environment such as Putty?