Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Hi everyone,


I´m new on NI forums, but I´m here because I need some help on the kit EZ430-RF2500.

I was wondering if anyone have any tutorial which explains how can I program the KIT. When I say program, I mean that I need:


 -- The things I have to set(code lines and functions), in order to have the wireless comunication between access-point and the end-device.

 -- How I set the input and outputs on the device.


Another thing I need to know is the following, the only way to aquire data from this kit on LabView, is by COM port?


Thanks for your attention.

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Message 1 of 2

Check the program manual of the Kit. Usually you can download it from the vendor website.

Check the interface the kit support and LabVIEW use NI-VISA to communicate with devices through Serial, GPIB, USB, Ethernet.

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