04-03-2017 03:41 PM
Hi, I am having trouble communicating to the NI GPIB-RS232 converter box - http://www.ni.com/en-us/support/model.gpib-rs232.html
I can connect and configure the converter when in Config mode using the NI GPIB-Serial Converter Wizard. When I test in both MAX and LabView, I get a good response when sending a *IDN?\n to the box (attached screenshot). The problem comes when using the same settings when the converter is changed to Normal mode - I get no response from the box with the same connection using the same programs (MAX/LabView).
My current setup is simply using a USB-RS232 dongle to connect to the serial port on the converter box. This will control an instrument over GPIB.
Ultimately I want to use the RS232 port on my CompactRIO chassis (9064) to do this (yes, I'm aware GPIB is not real-time and generally not recommended for embedded use, I'm OK with that). But that's down the road, I want to talk to the converter first directly.
Thanks in advance,
04-10-2017 05:29 PM
Hi drmase13,
What do you mean when you put it in normal mode? This device can get into 4 different modes and each of them has its own specifications. Take a look at the device's Help here http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/99625A6E8B9F625A862571C0004DDE84
By the way, here you have an example using this device on a cRIO http://www.ni.com/example/30978/en/
04-11-2017 01:52 PM
Thanks for the reply.
The converter has a switch on the back to set it to Config mode or Normal mode, that's what I'm referring to. Config mode works OK and I'm setting it to S mode while configuring it.
But with the switch at Normal, I can't get any response. I am using a small section of the example you linked - http://www.ni.com/example/30978/en/
My test VI is only a subsection of the Init Convbox.vi from that example. I'm not able to get any identification response.
04-12-2017 04:37 PM
I think you get a reply when it's in config mode because the computer sees the converter as the "target" for the query but when you put it in normal mode, it's just a "cable"
Do you have a GPIB device you can connect and try the query?