Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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GPIB-USB-HS does not appear / is not recognized by Measurement and Automation Explorer, LabView 2012

It's not detecting the GPIB controller successfully. It should not appear as a RAW device. You didn't use the VISA wizard like the user in this thread did? There are later versions of the drivers available but I don't think your old version of LabVIEW is supported. I would first try a repair of NI-488. If you have another computer, try it on there. Is this a new USB-GPIB?
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 22

This GPIB-USB cable is an old cable, maybe around 20 years ago. But the NI MAX software could detect the cable. So I do not think the cable would be the problem. But the detection of the Keithley by GPIB cable failed and I do not know why.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 22
As I said, MAX is not detecting it correctly. Everything fails after that and that is pretty simple to understand.
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 22



You can connect your Keithley to a USB port on your machine without using a GPIB cable.

There is a USB port on the back of the source/meter.


Check this link.


After that use Visa.


string id
UsbSession m_session;
string m_resourcename;

m_resourcename = "USB0::0x05E6::0x2601::4018686::INSTR";

m_session = new UsbSession(m_resourcename);

id = m_session.ReadString();
Trace.WriteLine("ID = " + id);


Hope this helps.



0 Kudos
Message 14 of 22

@m11xiao wrote:

This GPIB-USB cable is an old cable, maybe around 20 years ago. But the NI MAX software could detect the cable. So I do not think the cable would be the problem. But the detection of the Keithley by GPIB cable failed and I do not know why.


As Dennis pointed out, MAX is seeing the hardware, but it is not seeing it correctly. It looks like you used the VISA Driver Wizard to generate an inf file for the device, which is why it is showing up as a USB Raw resource in MAX.


You need to switch the driver back to NI-488.2 for it to work properly. Try the following steps and report back whether it worked:


1. In Device Manager, right click the GPIB-USB-HS and choose Uninstall. It will probably be listed under a section called something like "VISA Devices" or "NI-VISA Devices". I don't know the exact name of the heading.


2. From the Action menu in Device Manager, choose to scan for hardware changes. This should attempt to find a driver for your hardware. Hopefully this will attach to the installed NI-488.2 driver.



If you driver is attached correctly, it should appear in Device Manager in the category "National Instruments GPIB Interfaces".

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 22

TDS784d - NI GBIP-USB-HS communication problems 🙂


My interface GPIB-USB-HS do not see an My oscilloscope?
The interface is operating other equipment are shown and oscilloscope shows the configuration of the BUS OFF ?
I do not know what's the problem?

Maybe ? Advanced Settings - Bus settings ?
Paraller Bus Durration:   0; uSec ?
Bus timing:                   2; 500 nSec ?

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 22

No idea bro. I did this so long ago. If I had time I'd try to remember,  but honestly I can't even recall if I ever got the thing to work. 

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 22

Hi max-bit, 


If I understand correctly, your GPIB-USB-HS interface is working correctly except for with the oscilloscope. What kind of oscilloscope hardware are you using? It may be that you do not have the correct instrument driver installed. Also, please verify that the oscilloscope is powered correctly; that is the only reason I can think of at the moment that would cause it to give the BUS OFF indicator. 


Rita Prather
Software Product Manager
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 22

Please refer to the thread that max-bit did Not hijack and you will see the reason for the problem - namely not reading the manual.
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 22


First : I was able to make a connection TEK(GPIB)-PC

To make a connection must be highlighted (active) field TALK / Listen address. Otherwise, the GPIB port works only send mode (hardcopy) and therefore it was not possible to connect. TEK non visible on the port.


Dear KNUTS you know everything perfectly.

Attached User manual see Page 3-191 to 3-194 show me the instruction description that field TALK / Listen ... it must be highlighted that the connection is active? OK ?


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Message 20 of 22