Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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GPIB USB-HS matlab srq


I've been trying to control a Novocontrol Alpha A Analyzer by using a GPIB USB-HS and a matlab code. I had no problem connecting the device and using simple commands like *IDN? or the ones to change the parameters and to start the measurement. Unfortunately I can't use the TestSRQ and read status commands without getting an unknown command error.  I did try to find a working command by using an automatic measurement program provided by novocontrol, the Visa Test Panel and the NI-I/O-Trace. I could not reproduce the command though.


Any help would be appreciated.




Ni 488.2 version 14.0

Matlab R2016a


Result of the I/O Trace when i used the VISA Test Panel read status byte function.

viReadSTB (GPIB0::10::INSTR (0x02971E58), 0)
Prozess-ID: 0x00001078         Thread-ID: 0x0000145C
Startzeitpunkt: 13:22:04.147       Aufrufdauer 00:00:00.002
Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)

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so you have tested the same commands in the VISA Test Panel and your Code?

Are you trying to control your Analyzer in your matlab Code or is it in LabVIEW and there is also matlab Code in it?


What Commands have you tried and what error came up?

Do you have a screenshot of the error?


Best wishes



Work with NI Hard- and Software for about 15 years now.

Certified LabVIEW Developer & TestStand Developer/Architect


There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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I did use the same commands in the VISA Panel and code. I control the Analyzer in matlab.

The error was always unknown command. Now it works using the matlab spoll command

Thanks for the help.

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