Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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GPIB with labVIEW

Hi KarlG,

It's hard to see what the specific error message in your screenshot is. Could you post the full error message text and the full error number? Typically those error codes are specific to the IVI Device Driver and contain more useful information which would allow us to give better advice. 

Could you also confirm that your device is connected and working with your computer? You can do this by opening NI MAX, then navigating to the interface or device under "Devices and Interfaces." You can right-click on the interface or device and select the "VISA Test Panel" option to open a test panel, and after confirming everything under "Serial Settings" is correct you can send commands under the "Input/Output" section. The default should be "*IDN?\n" which should work with your Keithly 3390 as the device appears to comply with SCPI-1993. If you query the device with this command, do you get a response?

Charlie J.
National Instruments
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Message 11 of 20

I actually found where the error is and I just need help with finding the right command to put in.   The picture here is of the initialization block diagram

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Message 12 of 20

Hi KarlG,

The best way to get that information would be to use the Test Panels I described and see what the instrument's reply to the "*IDN?\n" command is. You should then be able to copy and paste the response. Otherwise, you would need to go to the manufacturer of the instrument to find out what the correct response is. 

Charlie J.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 20

Sorry I actually just saw this entire message now because I didn't know there was more to it. I went under NI MAX and found that it says the status is "not present". I couldn't find the VISA test panel and I think that may have something to do with it.  I have a clearer picture of it I will send

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Message 14 of 20

Thanks for helping out and i tried that and it gave me the same error message as with only *IDN.  It says, EDIT: Replace the *IDN command
constant with the ID query
command for your instrument.

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Message 15 of 20

here are the screen shots of the block diagram, the front panel, and NI MAX

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Message 16 of 20

Hi KarlG,

What you want in NI MAX is the Interactive Control. That should be the GPIB equivalent to VISA Test Panels. Try sending the device the correct command to get the device identification back. It should be "*IDN?\n" in the interactive control. If the device does not respond, it could be it is not connected properly or it could be that the device you are communicating with uses a different command than "*IDN?\n" and it would be up to you to determine the correct commands to communicate with it.

Charlie J.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 20

I think it is the Communicate with instrument button and it is not reading the command properly, I sent a screen shot of this.  I am fairly certain that I have the instrument hooked up properly so I just wanted to ask what the next step is in finding this id query command.

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Message 18 of 20

Hi KarlG,

It would be in the manual for your Keithley 3390, thought I believe the "*IDN?\n" command should be correct. It looks like your GPIB interface shows up in NI MAX with no problems in the screenshot you sent me, and as you say the Keithley device is not present. This leads me to believe the Keithley 3390 is either not connected properly or not configured properly for GPIB Communication. For correct configuration, you would need to talk to Keithley or consult the manual for the device. Sending the instrument an ID Query will not work if the device is not present, powered, at the correct GPIB address, and configured properly.

Charlie J.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 20

I will try looking in the manual and talking to keithley for configuration because I am positive that it is connected properly because I have done this with other instruments and my professor checked it.  So I tried the factory restore button on the Keithley 3390 and the same thing happened with the id query.  I will try calling Keithley because the manual doesn't give an Id query.

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Message 20 of 20