07-21-2014 05:31 AM
Does anyone have experience in measuring the channel power through HP8593E? I am having trouble retrieving the measurement result from the instrument. My VI though is able to set the instrument into channel power measurement mode but for some reason, am getting an error when reading the result.
i have attached the vi to write and read the channel power for HP8593E.
Thank you
07-21-2014 06:08 AM
I would recommend downloading the drivers that is available: http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/niid_web_display.download_page?p_id_guid=E3B19B3E94DD659CE034080020E748...
Most intsruments require a querry command in order to get data back. Querry commands usually end in a question mark ('?'). So you might just need to send "CHP?" before the read. Either use the supplied drivers or read up on the programmer's manual to make sure.
07-22-2014 06:12 AM
Hi Crossrulz,
Thank you. I was able to get the right skippy from the manual. It should be CHPWR? instead of CHP?.
07-22-2014 07:53 AM
@Juls wrote:
Hi Crossrulz,
Thank you. I was able to get the right skippy from the manual. It should be CHPWR? instead of CHP?.
What is "skippy"???
SCPI = Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments